I have seen the teaching method of your group’s interactive learning resource, and I feel that it is very inclusive. You think a lot for your students. For example, your classes are all prepared in advance and posted online, so that it will be friendly to students studying in different countries. And your videos have subtitles, which are convenient for students with hearing difficulties. When you said that you have a break out room activity, I was wondering whether it is possible to change the break out room into a discussion board. This solves the problem of time zones and ensures that every student can participate in the discussion. That might be more efficient. Thank you for you post.

Hi Shanshan, Your solutions for people with color blindness and hearing impairment are very detailed. I couldn’t agree more. For people with hearing impairments, providing subtitles in a video is the most efficient. They can also acquire knowledge in real time. Adding sign language is an interesting idea, but it’s not an easy one to pull off. Because usually we see programs that offer sign language as news. For color blindness, increasing contrast is a good solution. When we make videos or PPT, we can choose a color scheme that is friendly to the color blind as much as possible. This will undoubtedly increase the efficiency of teaching. Thank you for your post.